
Valentine's Day Outfit Inspiration

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

UK fashion blogger, valentines day

Shop My Look Here:
Skirt | Top | Boots | Bag

As it's almost the end of January, February 14th will soon approach and slap us in the face. And before you know it, if you're anything like me, you'll be in a massive panic, I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR! Ahh! No matter how long I've known my boyfriend, and how many times he's seen me without make up, when it comes to Valentine's day, anniversaries, birthdays or the famous Date Night's I always rush around trying to find something that makes me feel beautiful and confident. So if you're anything like me, don't worry ladies, I've got you this year. 

I focused this outfit around the lace shirt. It's such a Valentine's day colour for me. I love wearing red or pink on these days. I'm such a girly girl it's unreal. There's also something quite sexy about red and lace. It's quite daring yet, classy, as you're not actually showing much skin.

What are you planning on wearing for Valentine's Day? Do you go all out, or prefer to keep it simple, let me know in the comments below.

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