
Lessons that I learned in 2015

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

This time last year I said that 2015 was going to be my year. My year to shine as a person, my year for my blog to prosper and a year that I would achieve a lot more in the blogging community. And i have to admit, that although it's been a bumpy ride, 2015 has been good to me.

Over the last year there are so many lessons that I have learnt, ones that have changed me as a person, ones that have made me a better person, and most importantly, lessons that have made me a happier person. So I've decided to write a blog post about five things that 2015 has taught me.

My time is valuable. 
Although I may be a small fish in a big pond, I've learnt that I deserve the same recognition. My time is just as valuable as bigger bloggers and this is something that I feel brands need to understand. It's not just about numbers, it's about real time engagement, the amount of effort that goes into a blog post and the passion behind it all. This Is Teral is my brand, and I simply can not be expected to pour my heart into something just because a brand wants me to and not get anything in return.

It's ok to say no.
This goes for everything. I used to feel guilty saying no, but 2015 taught me that it's more than ok to say no. And listen closely, you don't even need to give an excuse. Shocker right. There are so many reasons to say yes, but then again. it's just as ok to say no to something you don't want to do. That brand that isn't willing to acknowledge your efforts, those friends who constantly ask for favours but give nothing in return. You are entitled to say no. It's liberating.

Be Patient- Not everything happens when you want it to
This year I was shortlisted for the Cosmopolitan blog awards in the Best Fashion Blog category. I never even thought I'd get shortlisted, but when I did I felt how close the title was and felt like I wanted it more than ever. Unfortunately, I didn't place, and I was devastated, but I've accepted that it simply wasn't meant to be. I've come a long way this year, and in 2016 things will only get better.

People will always want something- Some people only want to know you when you do well and then there's the others that don't want to know you because you're doing well.
And that's fine. When people start to notice that you're doing something with your life, it can go either way. They can either be really happy for you and try and get a slice of the action (hello random collaborations) or they simply dismiss your achievements and try to undermine what you do. Over the last 12 months I have learnt to come to terms with these two kinds of people in my life. And frankly, it doesn't bother me anymore. I've learned to embrace those who want to help me, and those who are a little bitter lets say, just don't tell them what you're up to. There's no good that'll come out of sharing your achievements so simply save your energy and tell those who actually care (hi mum).

Family matters more than ANYTHING
I've always been extremely close to my immediate family, but 2015 has bought me even closer. Having such a supportive family has taught me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Your family are the only ones who will unconditionally support you, and genuinely be proud and happy for you. I have to give a massive THANK YOU to my mum. Your undying support and love has helped me see my blog go from a part time hobby, to something I live and breathe on a daily basis. Not only that, but you've spent many hours learning how to use a camera, and are the reason all my pictures look amazing. I am eternally grateful for all you do. Thank you to my brother for not letting me accept anything that I am not worthy of. You always push me to show my worth and tell me when I deserve more for what I do. Thank you to my dad for not really understanding what I do, but still being ever so proud and being there for me when I'm in a tough situation. And finally, thank you to my boyfriend for being so understanding, supportive and for spending countless hours listening to me talking about fashion, my blog and giving me advice on how to make the next step.

I hope that 2016 is even better. With lots of new adventures, hurdles and lessons to be learnt. What has 2015 taught you?

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What To Wear On New Years Eve

Monday, 28 December 2015

Shop My Style

With Christmas done and over, it's time to start getting ready for New Years Eve.

By styling this blue number from Boohoo with minimal accessories, I have let the dress (and lips) do all the talking.

I absolutely LOVE the cut on this dress. It is just so SEXY! (mind that, you need a lot of body tape to keep everything in place)

Most people hate styling blue and black, but this past year, I've really learned to appreciate the beauty in blue, and quite frankly, I love mixing the two colours together. 

I've kept the majority of the make up quite natural, but decided to go for a bold red lip as blue and red look awesome together.

What's your plans for New Years Eve? What will you be wearing?

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Where To Shop For The Best Boxing Day Sales 2015

Saturday, 26 December 2015

I hope you've all had a fabulous Christmas with all your loved ones. I'm going to spend today at the theatre for my mum's Christmas present followed by lots of online shopping! What about you?

It may seem like every store has been on sale since Black Friday, but I've still decided to do my annual Boxing Day Sale roundup to bring you the best deals and the items from some of my favourite online stores!

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