
Styling Cute Grandma Cardigans

Monday, 30 September 2019

It’s been a while since I’ve done a fashion blog post, but I feel like the time is right to get back into it.

This season’s trend is all about the iddy bitty cardigans. Those cardigans that a year ago we would of said our grandmas would wear them. But now, all the fashion girls are wearing them and in an unconvential way. With only one of two buttons done up.

Now, I’m a little larger on the chest area so I wanted to try these out and have found and styled my favourite cardigan for you all. I have also attached a video of my trying about 15 different ones from Asos, so sit back and have a little look as I try to pull these cardigans off.

For me, I really loved the style as soon as I saw it. Although I’m not quite sure about wearing it as open as some people there are many different ways to wear it.

Firstly, you can style it as your grandma would; doing only the top button up and wearing a vest top underneath. This is a very practical and versatile way of wearing it. You could wear it with smart trousers, or a satin skirt for the office, or with jeans for the weekend.

This is possibly the easiest way for ladies with a larger chest to buy into this trend. You don’t have to worry about the material peeping open from each button, nor them bursting open. This way you can go for your size or even a size smaller.

Secondly, which is my favourite way to wear it. Get it one size larger you’re your normal size and have the top and bottom buttons undone. As shown in the pictures you can see just how this hones into the trend.

Lastly, you can wear it with all the buttons done up. Again, I recommend going up a size as it’ll feel safer and secure that way.

I have also tagged all of my favourite pieces below. How would you style them?


Stop Worrying About Your Future

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Turning 27 has probably been the hardest for me. Every year I usually love birthdays, I start planning things to do, what I want, what to wear at least a month ahead of time. But this year, I kind of wanted to shrug it all under the carpet.

There’s something so wonderful about getting older. With age comes respect, knowledge and wisdom. I also feel extremely grateful to wake up each birthday another year older knowing that I am healthy and lucky enough to have made it through another year.

But. A huge BUT. It can also be one of the most daunting days of your life. I feel like Rachel in Friends on her 30th birthday. Feeling sad and sorry for herself that her life isn’t where she planned it to be when she turned 30. And although I haven’t turned 30 yet, I can feel the pressure that comes with it creeping up behind me.

And I don’t know why we set ourselves these targets in life. Why we think that 30 is the time we have to have achieved it all. It creates this unofficial tight timeline that everything has to be done by, and if we don’t achieve everything we dream of by that time we have somehow failed ourselves.

Even if we did achieve everything by 30, then what? Are we going to retire and move to Spain and relax on the beach for the next 50 odd years? No! So why do we create this sort of pressure for ourselves? Why does 30 act as a deadline in which we really need to have got our shit together?

So many successful people (and successful means something different to everyone) achieved their success after 30/40 or even 50. We need to stop adding pressure to ourselves. I believe it’s great to have a plan in life, and all the things I want to achieve by 30 are things that I know I will achieve, just maybe not by 30. And that’s ok. It’s ok to not be on the property ladder by 30, it’s ok to not be married or have kids, or have that dream job by 30. 30 is not the be all end all.

After three months of being 27, I have come to be content with my plans. I have realised that I do not need to worry about achieving everything in the next three years because life doesn’t stop at 30.



Hello September, I'ts Time For A Change

Sunday, 22 September 2019

It’s been about a year that I haven’t really been enjoying my platforms. I haven’t enjoyed blogging, being on Instagram nor have I enjoyed creating content for video on Youtube. Truth be told, I’m not sure that there’s one reason as to why, but a many small issues that have resulted in this huge slump.

I’ve noticed that for the last year I have merely been going through the motions, uploading just to upload, not really striving for greatness and it’s not a great area to be in. Because I haven’t been putting in as much effort as I used to brand collabs have reached an all time low on my channel and there’s no one to blame but myself.

I simply haven’t been enjoying the content I’ve been putting out there. I felt like one of a million instead of one in a million in this industry and lack of effort and motivation has left me really struggling to stay positive and find things that make me feel excited.

And because of this, I’ve been comparing every aspect of my life to others which we all know isn’t great. So from today onwards I am looking to change my content. Finding something that makes me really happy, engage more with you all via stories and create a really positive happy space online that I can call my own once again.

If you follow me on Instagram you will notice that I’ve been posting more on my stories about food (I always have and always will be a massive foodie) but more on the cooking and baking side of it all. I’ve really been enjoying sharing that and you are all loving my recipes so far. This doesn’t mean that I will suddenly become a cooking channel; I am just enjoying this part a lot more right now. I will always be more fashion focused, but will continue to share cooking tips on stories for you all.

So with it being September, a new school year, and Autumn a time for all the trees to shed the extra weight they’ve been carrying on their shoulders, and start a new, it’s time for me to do the same. Time to get up, re-inspire myself and fall back in love with creating content.


Press Trips: Stranded With Strangers

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Press trips have always been a thing. But the last five years or so the popularity of brands taking bloggers/ influencers abroad on press trips has vastly increased. Whether you call them blogger/ press trips. They are essentially, brands taking people with a platform away to represent and promote their brand.

I am so fortunate that over the last three years I have managed to secure press trips all over the world from Dubai to Mexico and many European destinations. A lot of these trips have been sponsored by brands including fashion, beauty and travel brands. Where I get to experience things I probably never would have.

I am extremely grateful for these opportunities; honestly, I don’t think any one can imagine how grateful and overwhelmed I am every time I receive an email of such. It makes me feel so chosen and so seen in an industry filled with successful like minded females.

But, there’s one thing about press trips that is never really spoken about. And that is when you go on a trip with people you don’t really know. A lot of times I am with my blogger friends or I get to bring a plus one, but for the majority of the trips that I have been on, I don’t know ANYONE. Not the PR taking us on the trip, nor any of the influencers, and that my friend, is absolutely daunting.

I’ve mentioned many times before that I was never the confident girl growing up, and I’d never go out my way to make friends as I was so shy, but being in this industry has made me grow confidence to the point where I can go away for a week with people I have never met, never spoken to and have a really enjoyable experience.

I am so lucky that each trip I have been on I have been surrounded by like minded, friendly people who are willing to help take my images, willing to speak to me, and for us all to have a truly wonderful time.

I have learnt to make conversations with people out of nothing and this is a skill that I will be able to carry into the rest of my life. But, it does make me think.

Going on these press trips can be so daunting. I mean, I flew out to Mexico, on my own, without a group chat, without a phone number and then loosing my driver. Luckily, by the time I arrived in Mexico the group chat was set up and I had managed to find my driver (he had waved at me as I was leaving the airport, but I just thought it was a friendly guy).

It takes a lot of courage to do this, and it is like going on a girl’s holiday where you get to do these amazing things and create these wonderful experiences and memories, but instead of your girls from back home, you’re with people from all around the world, which you may never see again…

It’s like a holiday romance, except without the romance and a lot of pictures, a lot of deep meaningful discussions about politics, religion, life and culture. It’s so hard to explain, and on a lot of these trips I wish I was able to bring someone from back home along with me, so that I am able to relive the experience with them.

Even though I generally do not get to see these wonderful people again, I tend to try and stay in touch via Instagram, and those that are in London, I try to meet up and catch up with.

Have you ever been on a press trip, what has been the hardest thing about it for you? Have you ever declined a trip because you felt too nervous to go on one? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

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