
Lets All Go A Little Tartan Crazy

Monday, 25 November 2013

Dress- Missguided £24.99, Bag- Zara £79.99, Socks- Topshop £6, Boots- Zara £59.99, Rings- Topshop £5.50, £4.50, £12.50

I been a little tartan obsessed lately, however everything I found didn't quite have my flare to it. That was until I found this stunning dress from Missguided. The tartan is muted and not screaming look at me and the design is gorgeous.Team it with the rest of the accessories for a stand out of the crowd look.

Lots of Love



Tiny tea- TEAtox

Friday, 22 November 2013

So after much deliberation as to whether this tea works or not, whether it is worth the 10$ shipping fee and weather the comments back on Instagram were true or not I decided I needed this product in my life and Monday afternoon I ordered my 28day tea-tox. 

I've never been a health freak or an exercise freak but lately I been noticing that those bits that used to jiggle are doing a whole lot more jiggling and decided to join the gym and give this tea tox a go. And because it's coming from halfway across the world I was extremely happy when my package arrived this day. I have not started my tea-tox yet but in super excited! I will keep you guys updated as to whether this works or not. 

From what I have read, most people start to notice a difference in their weight (most say they lose 2inches,) their skin clears up and they feel more energised. I've also read that the taste of the tea is not delicious so to speak. But hey you can't have everything. And I'm glad that they don't shy away from the taste factor. If I read nothing bad about the product I would have been even more skeptical about trying it. As a girl who only drinks peppermint tea, this is a big deal and I can't wait to keep you all updated.

Have a lovely weekend.

Lots of love



OOTD- Midnight Blue

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Hello my loves, I've had an extremely busy, stressful, heartbreaking few weeks so I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I'm ok though don't worry. But here's a new outfit of the day post to make this miserable day slightly better.

Dress- H&M 
Cardigan- H&M
Necklaces- H&M 
Boots- Russell&Bromley
Bag- Brandy

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