
What 2016 Taught Me X Happy New Year

Monday, 2 January 2017

Happy New Year! I'm sitting here on the second day of the new year and I can't believe how quickly 2016 just went by. I know I say it every year and you have probably heard enough from everyone else  about how quickly it's gone but I just can't get over it.

2016 has been a whirlwind of a year. I went into full time blogging, (I will be posting a one year on blog post in a few weeks so stay tuned) and made some amazing friendships. Like every year, there has been so many highs and lows, both personally and career wise, but looking back I have realised how far I have come. 

As a whole, I feel like 2016 taught me that I don't need a lot of stuff to be happy. I've learnt to stop buying things that I don't need. Gone are the days where I spend hours browsing online or heading to the shops for a day out. I guess, seeing as this is something that I do everyday for my blog, when it comes to myself, I have FINALLY learnt that trends come and go. And to be successful in what I do, I don't need to buy the latest craze. I am more than likely able to find something in my wardrobe to adapt to that trend. 

2016 taught me that it's not what you buy, but how you can adapt a trend to suit you, your style and your budget. As a blogger I get sent a lot of things and i've got to this point in my life where less is more. And quite frankly I think it's so much better. This is not just true with material things but also with life in general.

2016 saw me smash my goals. I started 2016 with just over 20,000 followers on Instagram. I made a goal of 50K for the end of the year, and I'm happy to say that today I have over 60,000 followers. Not only did I meet my goal, but I exceeded my expectation. Here's to 100K by my 25th birthday in June!

I no longer feel the pressure to please everyone. I am who I am. My blog is a reflection of me, and I don't have to cater for everyone. I simply blog about the things that I like, not following what other bloggers are doing and bringing myself down about not having better quality pictures like this person or style like that person.

All in all, 2016 was a hard year, but has taught me SO MANY lessons! It's taken me to a few amazing holidays and has allowed me to make my hobby, my career.

How was 2016 for you? And what are you most looking forward to for 2017?

Coat: Zara
Shoes: Just Fab


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