
How to be a more confident blogger

Wednesday 18 January 2017

When it comes to blogging, there are so many things to do, so much diversity and so many different opinions that you can loose all confidence and that's if you even had any to start with. But as I have grown I have seen my confidence grow beyond my imagination, so I thought I would impart some of my wisdom with those needing a little confidence booster. 

Don't worry

Don't worry about what other people will think, don't worry about how many people are reading and don't worry about what you look like. Chances are, people are finding your blog because you're posting about something they want to know more about. Generally, people start to get trolled when they are really big, or have suddenly gone viral. In my years of blogging, I've only really had 2 hateful comments, and they were about my eyebrows- by girls who were far to young to even pluck theirs. 

In regards to numbers, it's so easy to look at others and think, "they're growing faster than me", "they have more followers than me" and it's easy to start to feel so unconfident. But don't look at the numbers, if you keep doing the best you can, the numbers will grow on their own.

Don't doubt yourself

The mere fact that you want to start this journey is evidence enough that you believe you have something valuable to pass on to others, so keep working hard. When we start doubting ourselves, that's when we lose all confidence. So remember why you started and keep looking forward.

Get out there

That means put a face to the blog name. Do you know how nice it is to go to an event with a brand you love to hear them say that they loved your latest collaboration to your face. I can't describe how much of a confidence booster this is. It helps confirm that what you are doing is worth while. But that's not the only thing getting out there does. People love to put a face to a name, they want to see that you are a person behind a screen, so if you have an anonymous blog, don't be afraid to put your face out there, you will see that you'll be sent so much love.

Keep learning

The more you learn, the more confident you become. Practice your skill, learn new ones, practice them and become a master of what you do. I for one, have learnt so many new techniques, tricks and tips for my blog and as a result, my confidence for my blog has grown. Before I was embarrassed to share my blog, now I'm surprised I don't spam everyone! I'm so proud of all I have learnt over the last few years and can't wait to keep learning.

Change your outlook towards blogging

If you sit there and start stressing about your blog, your photography or blog layout your confidence will dip and leave you feeling lower than when you sat down. But if you don't think about it much and don't put so much emphasis on your blog it will grow more than you could desire. Some of the most successful blogs started on a whim as a hobby.

Don't spend too much on a certain blog post

This correlates back to my previous point. Spend less time on a blog post and you will see that it does a lot better than you thought. When I find myself struggling to write a post, I leave it come back to it when I have more inspiration. My best blog posts are ones that I write in half an hour and upload without thinking about it. 

I hope these tips help you be a more confident blogger. What are your tips? Feel free to share them in the comments down bellow.

Heels: Just Fab
Jacket: Just Fab
Bag: Russell & Bromley


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