
Drop It- Get Your Shopping Delivered Home That Night

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Just before Christmas I teamed up with Drop It to help me with my Christmas shopping. If you've never heard of Drop It before, you've been missing out. Especially if like me, you tend to do a lot of your shopping in central london, and hate being that person taking up the entire tube with all your bags ( first world problems I know).

Drop It is a service in which those shopping along Oxford and Regent Street as well as surrounding areas are able to use an app and select a store for them to drop their bags off and have delivered to their home either that day or the next day. As someone who suffers from shoulder pain this is something that I welcome with open arms. Once you have dropped your first item for the fee of £10 you are able to continue shopping and dropping for the rest of the day while dropping your items off in other partnered stores.

This year I left my Christmas shopping very late, a few days before Christmas I found myself in central London. After doing all of my shopping i downloaded the app and found my closest store. I headed to the wonderful Handro and dropped my items off their. 

At first, I was a little skeptical leaving my items in the hands of someone else, but I can assure you it is totally safe. At first, you are asked to take pictures of your receipts and take them with you, then your items are placed into a bag which is then sealed. You then scan the codes on the bag where you can track whether the bags are on the way to you.

If you're around central London doing a bit of sale shopping, why not try the service out for yourself. Using the code TERALPROMO enjoy 50% off of the service... You're welcome.

Does this sound like something you would want to try? Would love to hear if you have tried it before.

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