
This Is Teral Turns Three

Monday, 25 April 2016

shop my look
Dress (similar) | Jacket (similar) | Linzi Pink Tassel Heels | Ray-Bans

Three years! This Is Teral has been going on for THREE YEARS! I can't believe it. 

Although I don't know the official date as I've gone through and deleted old posts because quite frankly, I didn't have a clue what I was doing back then (not like I do now) so I've decided that today 25th April is my blog anniversary. The first blog post that's live on This Is Teral; have a look here, was published officially three years ago today. Isn't that scary!

It's crazy how different my personal style and blog has changed. I have worked so hard to achieve my own style for fashion and writing and invested so much effort and time into creating this blog that I am so proud of! 

I remember the day I took these images like it was yesterday. I got all dressed up to go to my first ever press day and was super excited that I'd been invited down to the Me Hotel in London. When I arrived, the ladies at the door asked where I was from and I felt so ashamed to say I was a blogger, I felt like I wouldn't have any respect from anyone because, who was I? Just a random girl writing on the internet. When I look back I feel ashamed to say that I was embarrassed to tell anyone about my blog, I was so very proud of it, but I always felt as if everyone would be judging and laughing at me, so I always played down how excited I was about it all. Now, I feel like the blogging community has taken over, and we're here to make our mark! I'm writing this after a busy week full of press events where people are so excited to see me, a blogger. I'm constantly bumping into people at events who have 'seen my blog before' etc and it makes me so proud to see how far myself, and other bloggers have come in such a short period.

I'm actually in shock that my blog is officially three years old! Last week my mum stated that I am so protective of my blog that I treat it like it's my baby, and she has literally hit the nail on the head. This blog means so much to me. My little corner of the internet has helped me grow into the stylish business woman I am today. I say business woman, because blogging is HARD! You need to be business savvy to be successful and I'm still working on the business side of it all. But I will continue to work even harder on it because it's something that makes me so very happy. Over the last year and a half, my blog has gone from just my friends and family reading it to over 25,000 people following me and my style around. I've been given so many fantastic opportunities to work with some amazing brands and can't wait to see what the future holds for this little website!

I can not write this blog post without thanking all of my family, friends, readers and followers. Thank you for your support, thank you for you patience, and thank you all for reading. My love for you all is never ending. You all mean so much to me.


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