
St Tropez- Gradual Tanner

Saturday, 11 April 2015

beauty review

beauty blogger

beauty review

It's been a sunny week in London and I've taken full advantage of it by baring my pins. Eeek. The weather suddenly starts getting warmer and I don't know about you, but I find myself in a panic to get my legs ready to be exposed.

I've never been one to fake tan, but I do love a gradual tanning moisturiser. I feel like it gives you a more natural glow and it's a build up process so it's a lot easier (no streaky lines). And my all time favourte one had to be St Tropez Everyday Gradual Tan Body in Medium/Dark.

Firstly I waxed, showered and exfoliated my skin so it was nice and clean and then moisturised my body like normal this time using a gradual tanner. I made sure to rub an even amount into the skin then I repeated the tanning process for three consecutive nights, which left me with a gorgeous glow.

Most tanning products I've seen (smelt) smell absolutely horrid. But when you first apply this product it smells divine. After a few hours the biscuity tanning smell does start to come out, but I find using it at night and showering in the morning again gets rid of the smell.

If you'd like to hear more about my exfoliating routine just pop a comment down below.

What do you use to get your summer legs ready?

Lots of Love 



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