
Getting to know my allergies with Neutral 0%

Thursday, 3 May 2018

 Last week being Allergy Awareness week I thought it would be a great opportunity to share with you a little bit more information about myself and what allergies I suffer with.

Something that I don't talk about much is my allergies, I have hayfever which is an extremely common allergy. But one that's a little less spoken about in my case, is the fact that I'm allergic to most washing detergents. That's why I was really excited to try out Neutral 0% and see if it would work for my skin.

Ever since I was a baby, my mum struggled to find detergents that wouldn't irritate my skin or give me an allergic reaction. We then found one company that worked and that was it. That's all we could use. One washing detergent. For twenty five years, that was the only detergents I have been able to use. As I've grown older, I'm constantly looking for alternatives as it's quite restricting.

I remember going on family vacations and my mum would always pack washing detergent incase any of my clothes needed to be washed so that my skin wouldn't be irritated.

One day when I was around eleven years on a family holiday in Cyprus my mum took us to our uncles house where my cousins and I wanted to go to his farm to feed the sheep. My aunt kindly offered for me to change into my cousins clothes so that mine wouldn't get ruined.

All was well and good until after about fifteen minutes in the sun I started feeling really itchy and uncomfortable. By the time we got back and I showered and changed, my skin was covered in a rash like I've never seen before. And coincidentally, it was only on the areas that I was wearing my cousins clothes (that were washed in a different washing detergent to my normal one).

That night, I knew there had to be a better solution to this. And ever since then I have always made sure that everything that comes into contact with my skin is fragrance and colourant free. I'm always on the hunt for a new brand so when I heard of Neutral 0% I knew I had to try it out for myself.

1 in 4 people in the UK suffer from allergies, this number is growing every year and almost half of UK households are currently affected by allergies. The older I get the more conscious I become about the things that touch and go into my body. Using products that are kind to your skin is so important to me. #neutralsensitiveskin

Neutral 0% has made a name for itself and as a result is a leading brand in Scandinavia. It's new to the UK market, however being such a growing concern in the UK market, it's sure to find it's space in the sensitive section. 

Now that I'm older I'm able to make more conscious decisions and be able to try different products.

If you’re interested in trying the products, the Neutral 0% Washing Liquid and Fabric Conditioner are currently on promotion in Ocado and the range is also available from Sainsbury's and Amazon. To find out more about Neutral 0% visit

With no colourants, perfumes or parabens in their products they're perfect for anyone who suffers with any skin allergies or irritants like me.

DISCLAIMER: I recommend doing a patch test for compatibility, especially is you have sensitive skin.

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