When it comes to social media, blogging etc, the key thing for success is to keep on top of things and staying consistent. That's easy said and all, but the reality is, life. We are all busy and a lot of people blog on the side of a full time job. When it comes to creating content for your blog you've only got evenings and weekends. And that's if you're not too tired after working a long day.
So the reality of producing content is a lot harder than someone who isn't in the industry would think. When I first started blogging, I too worked a normal job. At first I was at university and working weekends, then I worked in schools and then I was doing social media and blogging for brands. Each had their own difficulty when trying to find the right time to take pictures for blog posts and social media.
When I was working full time, I was managing to blog four times a week. Now as a full time blogger, I try to stick to once a week, yet I still struggle with that (I'm sorry guys). My focus has currently shifted from the blog to youtube, but I'm really trying to get back into the writing side of it all as that's where I started this journey.
Full time employed blogger friends always say to me they just can't find the time to produce content. And although I know it's hard, I have found a few solutions that hopefully will help you. Even if you introduce one of these into your life you'll notice a world of difference.
If you're struggling to find ways to produce regular content for you blog or Instagram here are five tips to produce regular content for your blog and social media.
1) Batch photos. When I was working a 9-5 I would always go and shoot on the weekend. I would drive into central london with my mum, park the car either at a meter or stay extremely close to the car incase a ticket inspector comes and drive off and shoot blog photos in batch. When you've set a full day of shooting set aside you know you've got a time frame to get all the shots you need. Generally, like this I was able to get 3-5 different outfits shot and have content ready for the next week. If you don't have access to a car, you can pop into any coffee shop and change outfits.
2) Take photos on lunch breaks. When I was interning for a jewellery brand I would always get the other intern to take my photos for me during our lunch break. It helped that she was interested in what I was doing so she was more than happy to help me. I'd bring my camera and a change of clothing in and change in the office bathroom. If you have a look around where you work i'm sure you will be able to find some cool locations. And colleagues generally are happy to help, it's also really nice to treat them to a few goodies every now and then to keep them sweet.
3) Take pictures after work. If you finish work early it's great to go out and get your shots then. In the winter you've got until around 4pm until it starts getting dark, but in the summer it doesn't matter as much if you finish early or not as it's daylight a lot longer (oh how I long for those days). When I used to work at schools I would come home run and get changed to go out and shoot. You could find somewhere near work and again a colleague/friend/partner/photographer could meet you and take some photos.
4) Make the most of what you got. Personally, I like to make sure that I have three strong shots of one outfit from three different locations. And when I mean locations I don't mean across London. Say you're shooting at a cafe, take a shot outside, take a shot with your coffee/food etc, then take some more shots in different parts of the room. Maybe they have a cool feature; use that, take shots through the glass window. Be creative and get at lease three different shots for the same outfit. For blog posts, make sure you have those three strong shots and a few more to spare. On my blog, I find I can get away with posting slightly similar shots, but on Instagram, adding different locations really helps. Spread these shots out over a few days/ weeks.
5) Don't hesitate to post again. As our accounts are always growing and the Instagram algorithm is always changing don't be afraid to repost an image, chances are, a lot of your followers haven't seen it before, or your editing has changed so the image looks completely different. Go through your archives, find images from months, years ago that can still work. If you're a travel blogger, post about that trip in 2008 again but update it to things you wish you had done differently etc. There's so much in your archives you forget so if you're struggling for content go and have a good rummage through I' sure you'll find something.
These are five tips that have helped me keep producing content on Instagram and my blog over the last five years. What are your tips for posting regularly? I'd love to hear them.
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