
LFW SS17 Day One

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Once again London Fashion Week is upon us. It seems like the last six months have quickly past and have become a blur to me. I spent the last week on holiday soaking up the sun in Santorini (just check my instagram, p.s blog posts will be up after LFW is over) and mentally planning my outfits. 

Surprise surprise, London decided to do what it does best and that's rain! I woke up early in the morning to the sound of rain and thunder, and had to quickly change my outfit plans.

I opted for a pyjama style dress. I call it this because it has the piping across the edges that is typically found on the edges of pyjamas. I never was a fan of the whole wearing your nightwear as clothes, but this piece caught my eye and I've fallen in love with it. For me, I found that the colour really complimented my tanned skin, and was different to anything else I had seen on the market.

To match the black piping I decided to accessorise with all black, as you can never go wrong that way. I teamed my dress with my current favourite ankle boots and matching black leather bag an leather jacket just to give it a more edgy feel to it.

What do you think of my first look for London Fashion Week? Make sure you keep up with all the shows I attend on my snapchat teralatilan1 and my instagram here.

Dress: Asos
Boots: Shoeaholics
Bag: Givenchy
Sunglasses: Missguided
Jacket: Zara


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