
Summer Volume Saviour

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Whilst I was away I thought I'd try some new hair products. When I'm on holiday it's the only time that I actually wash my hair every day, don't judge me, my hair's oily enough, if I was to wash it everyday there would be no hope what so ever. 

When I wash my hair everyday I notice that I loose the fraction of volume and bounce that I do have so I decided to try the Trevor Sorbie Volume Shampoo and Conditioner.

At first, I didn't find the smell out the tube pleasant, but as you massage it in your hair it smells a lot nicer.

To give a fair review I air dried my hair and blow-dried it just so I could compare. The air dried version was to be suspected. There was bounce all over and a little volume at the roots. But the real results came once I blow dried my hair. I've never had so much volume without needing to back comb.

This pair come in a great travel size which is ideal to chuck into your travel suitcase. 

What will you be packing as your go to holiday essential?

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