
OOTD: Watching The Ducks

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Top Missrebel | Jeans Zara | Trainers Converse | Jacket River Island | Sunglasses Celine 
Sunglasses Case Celine

After a hectic few days, I wanted to spend my Saturday relaxing with good company. If you know where I am comment down below.

This stylish and comfortable outfit is something that you can just throw on together.

I am obsessed with ripped jeans and have a ray in many different colours.

If you can’t justify buying a pair of ripped jeans, simply make your own by slashing a pair of old jeans you don’t wear anymore.

Let me know if you’d like me to make a video or a post on how to make your own ripped jeans.

These jeans are from Zara.

 I was a little disappointed after the first wearing. The slashes in the jeans ripped (ironic I know) and ended up hanging down one side, which made them look really unattractive. However I took a pair of scissors and decided to chop the little strays off and I believe I’ve got an even better pair now.

To achieve this comfy look simply add a pair of simple white converses and a white tank top.

Simple, yet affective.


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