
Invisalign- What Is It?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

After a long needed break after the 100 days challenge I am back with a new project.

This time I will be recording my journey of Invisialign- the invisible braces.

A few years ago when my wisdom teeth started coming out they were growing at wrong angles and caused me the uttermost painful few months and resulted in moving the rest of my teeth and making them look over crowded.

After discussions with my dentists, they sent me to get my lower wisdom teeth removed at St Thomas hospital, They put me under local anaesthetic and apparently I cried and didn't stop moving the whole time and had a very difficult time waking up.

Never the less I am now two teeth less and left with an overcrowded bottom set of teeth, something that has made me quite cautious for a while.

I went back to my dentist and we suggested getting fixed braces and the removal of teeth, this scared me and I went on my way to think about my options.

After two years of umming and ahhing about what to do I was overwhelmed with joy when my orthodontist suggested a process called Invisalign.

A secret removable brace.

After intensive research I decided this was the way forward for me and have now started my Invisalign journey.

These removable braces remind me of gum shields. They are great for people like me, who are no longer teenagers and want to improve their smile, without the obvious train tracks and pain normal braces provided.

The advantages-                         The disadvantages-

Invisible                                     Have to brush your teeth as many times as you eat
Relatively pain free                    Not allowed to drink anything but water with them in
Easy to remove and clean        
Whiter teeth

Watch my video for more details.

If you are interested in Invisialign make sure you find an orthodontist who makes you feel at ease and comfortable with the procedure.

If you live in the South East London area, i suggest you give my dental practice a go. Their websites are:

Smile Dental Practice - 

Rushey Green Dental Practice -

Smile Dental Practice is

I will be posting every six weeks after I visit my dentist and will keep you all updated with my progress. 

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding invisalign.


  1. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Invisalign is one of the popular alternatives to braces, so it's interesting to know how it's different they feel from someone who has tried it personally. I hope you had adjusted quickly, and that they don't bother you that much. Take care!

    Denise Walker @ Peter M. Rumack, DDS

  2. This post is extremely useful, I'm 24 and I'm about to start my Invisalign journey next month

    1. That's fantastic, I hope your journey has been good so far.

  3. I love your article but there is a confusion always placed for me; i.e. Is Invisalign as effective as braces?.
    Thanks for sharing this article...

    1. Yes, 100%, I used invisalign in 2014 and received straight teeth. It has now been around 4 years since I stopped using them and use my retainers and my teeth are still straight. I feel Invisalign is a lot easier to maintain than traditional braces, it's less intrusive too.


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